
Research Areas

Mathematics in collaboration with science and engineering

For our faculty, mathematical and numerical solutions aren’t abstract — they are a collaborative way to work with top scientists and engineers to create practical solutions to real problems. Faculty collaborate by using experiments to motivate and validate mathematical modeling, as well as by spurring experiments to observe new phenomena predicted by the models. Our research spans a wide range of fields, and the National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology (NITMB) reflects our growing strength in applying mathematics to developmental biological research.

National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology

Applying mathematics to biology

This unique national institute brings together Northwestern University and University of Chicago to conduct research in quantitative biology, an interdisciplinary field that uses mathematical models to describe and analyze the development of living organisms.

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Thrive in Chicago

Enjoy the work-life balance benefits of living in a global city

Our department is located along the shores of Lake Michigan, only 17 miles from downtown Chicago. Those who join our department choose from a spectrum of suburban or urban home environments with some of the state’s best school districts, and find extensive internship opportunities, cultural and entertainment experiences, and a diverse population.


Learn to apply math to challenges in the world around you

Our programs provide the knowledge necessary for students to apply mathematical ideas and techniques to the problems that arise in engineering or science. Our department prides itself ongreater access to faculty members both in and outside of the classroom.

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